연구실명 | 담당교수 | 연구내용 |
Digital Design and Technology 홈페이지 |
김동욱 | - VLSI CAD - DSP 하드웨어 설계 - 디지털 저전력 설계 - Design-for-Test - High-level Testability |
에코 머티어리얼 | 하재근 | - 에코 머티어리얼(친환경 재료) - 신재생에너지 재료 - 나노복합재료 신소재 - 수소연료전지용 수소센서 - 수소투과재료 - 산화티탄 광촉매 - 스핀트로닉스 신소재 및 신소자 - 차세대 기록 매체 |
SEMATEC(Semiconductor Advanced Technology) 홈페이지 |
조원주 | - Silicon nano-electronic devices - SOI materials and device applications - Memory devices and fabrication processes - Thin Film Transistor devices - Device and Process simulations for nano-electronic devices |
Semiconductor and Nano-Devices Lab 홈페이지 |
구상모 | - Advanced Semiconductor Device Design, Process, Characterization, and Simulations - Power Electronic Devices - Compound Semiconductor, Wide Badgap Materials - SiC and GaN Sensors, Diodes and Transistors - Nanowire and Graphene-based Flexible Electronics - Gate dielectrics ; Alternative Gate Dielectrics and Magnetic Elements |
Organic Optoelectronics 홈페이지 |
황인찬 | - Linear and non-linear spectroscopy - Organis electronic devices, organic photovoltaics and organic light-emitting diodes - Nanoparticles - quantum dots, rods and tetrapoles - Transparent conducting electrodes - Device fabrication, characterization and simulation |
AMDEL(Advanced materials and device engineering laboratory) 홈페이지 |
하태준 | - Thin-Film Devices, Sensor & Large Area Electronics - Printing & Flexible Technology, Device physics - 2D FET based circuits, Solar Cells, Hybrid Analog Circuit Design - Embedded Electronic Skin Sensors and system integration on Flexible substrates. |
Intelligent Computing Lab 홈페이지 |
서영호 | - 시스템반도체설계, 인공지능반도체 설계, FPGA/SoC/ASIC 설계 - 최신 인공지능 및 딥러닝 응용 연구 - 디지털 홀로그램의 생성, 압축, 딥러닝 연구 - 3D 그래픽스 및 영상처리 연구 - 멀티미디어 보안 (저작권필터링, 워터마킹, 암호학) 연구 - AR, VR, XR 및 실감미디어/콘텐츠 연구 - S/W와 H/W의 병렬처리 및 최적화 기술의 연구 |
Nano-material and Electronic Device Laboratory (NED) 홈페이지 |
오종민 | - Ceramic and Ceramic based composite material - Electronic Device Design, Fabrication, Characterization, and Simulations - Material & Device Fabrication Process Engineering - Material Science: Structure and Electron Density Analysis - SOP, MLCC, EPT, MEM, Ferrite Filter, Optical Device etc. |
ASDL (Advanced Semiconductor Device Laboratory) 홈페이지 |
이대석 | ▶ Synapse Device for Neuromorphic System - Development of synapse device - Hardware implementation of neuromorphic system - Hardware based pattern recognition test ▶ Advanced Semiconductor Device Design and Fabrication - Specialized device characterization - Device structure engineering ▶ Future Memory and 3D Structure - Development of future non-volatile memory - 3D Structural integration technology (cross point array) - Selector device for MIM structural devices |
FEML 홈페이지 |
신원호 | Energy storage - Lithium-ion battery electrode materials - Solid electrolyte - Lithium metal battery - Separator - Super capacitor Energy conversion - Thermoelectric materials - Flexible thermoelectric Device |